Motko Hosts Female Empowerment Through Sport Event in Partnership With 100 Women in Finance and SoulCycle

May 9, 2023

(New York, 9 May 2023) – In partnership with 100 Women in Finance (100WF) and SoulCycle, Motko hosted the inaugural Female Empowerment Through Sport event. With a full house of 100WF attendees, the gathering amplified the importance of physical movement and community and their impact on female health and well-being.

100 Women in Finance is the world’s leading non-profit organization for professionals who work in the alternative investment and broader finance industry. The organization aims to strengthen women's presence in the finance field by supporting women at each career stage to achieve their career goals. With over 25,000 members globally, members represent leading financial institutions: JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, BlackRock, BNP Paribas and many others.

“Finance is one of the toughest industries for women to break into and move up the career ladder,” said Kira Golenko, founder & CEO of Motko. “It takes collaborative efforts to drive impactful changes. Coming together to exercise, network, and elevate health was inspiring and energizing. There should be more opportunities for women to exercise and connect. Not only is this crucial for health, but it is also pivotal for career growth and development.”

The broken rung, imposter syndrome, timidity, and glass ceiling remain some of the key challenges women face in finance. The latest McKinsey report shows for every 100 men, who are promoted from entry-level roles to manager positions, only 87 women are promoted, and only 82 women of color are promoted. Women leaders are leaving their companies at the highest rate in years and are experiencing a higher burnout rate at 43% compared to 31% of men at their level.

“Embracing and promoting female empowerment is a conviction together we hold dear,” said Charina Amunategui, executive director of MUFG Investor Services. “Through fostering confidence, promoting sportsmanship, nurturing community, and prioritizing health, we pave the way for a brighter, more equitable future.”

“I am so proud to be part of an organization, 100 Women in Finance, that encourages women at all levels to be the best version of themselves,” added Vanessa Yuan, Director of investor relations and senior Investment Consultant at Stansberry Asset Management. “By prioritizing health through sports and community engagement, events like this, not only help to provide a platform for networking, and skill-building, but empower women as a collective to shatter gender norms, excel in our industry (finance), and inspire others to follow suit.”

Cindy Morand, vice President of Sovereign Advisory - Public Sector Banking Group at Citi, is an avid supporter of exercising: “I have found that exercising helps me to perform better at work. It’s also a great way to take care of myself. In particular, I love running outdoors but also workout classes, which help me to connect with friends, colleagues and amazing instructors”.

Upon the popular demand, the next edition, which was initially scheduled for next year, is back this September – in time to smooth back into work and well-being routine after summer.

In the words of one of the attendees: “The session with Motko and 100WF was a life experience for me. I was mentally not in a good state, when I walked into the session, dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety. But my mind was totally cleared when I walked out. The endorphins might fade fast but the decisions I was able to make after the session benefitted me for the months to come. It also helped me discover a form of exercise that I didn’t expect myself to enjoy so much.”

This event would not have been possible without our partners at SoulCycle led by Evelyn Webster and the incredible support of 100WF committee members Vanessa Yuan and CharinaAmunategui. Thank you to our drink sponsors Icelandic Glacial and Vita Coco for keeping everyone hydrated and energized.

About Motko

Motko is an impact-driven health and well-being technology company on a mission to make the world a healthier and more inclusive place. Motko works with corporations and real estate stakeholders, delivering engaging health and well-being resources to people globally. Derived from Latin, Motko stands for winning movement, which reflects the company’s core philosophy – great things are achieved when we move together. To learn more about Motko, please contact and visit

About SoulCycle

SoulCycle is a fitness company owned by Equinox Group which offers indoor cycling and spinning workout classes. It was founded in 2006 by a trio of female founders and has operations in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. To learn more about SoulCycle, please visit